Monday, January 11, 2010

BP4_2010012_RSS Feeds

Below are the five RSS feeds I choose to follow in addition to the other feeds I follow. The rationale behind choosing each feed is listed below as well as the name of the RSS.

This is a local news station where I live in Fort Myers, Fl. I like to follow their educational stories and by subscribing to this feed I can keep up with Educational news in my hometown. I feel that as a teacher I need to be knowledgeable about the educational issues in my town.

Education Week- This is a website dedicated to Education in Florida. Since I live in Florida I thought that following this feed would be a good idea to keep up with the educational issues in my state.

Education I choose to follow this one because I think it's important for all teachers to know what is going on in regards to education at the highest level. Keeping up with politics and education is very important to me.

Educational Technology-This feed is one that's very important to me due to the nature of my Master's Degree. Technology in Education is something I would like to follow very closely to keep up with the latest and the greatest to make me the best teacher I can be!

Web 2.0 Tools and Applications-Go2web20- I really enjoy learning about new Web 2.0 tools and by following this feed I am sure to be informed on a daily basis of great Web 2.0 tools!

1 comment:

  1. I have looked through so many of the applications on Web 2.0 Tools in Go2web20 myself. Wow, what a wealth of information. I have been on several of these sites myself and they are very beneficial. Thanks for sharing these with us... this has been so helpful..
