From this week's reading I have been challenged to think about "the way things are". Last year I had a difficult schedule with absolutely no prep time alone in my room...there was always a music class being taught in the room either by me or by the 40% music teacher. Add the demands of EMDT and going to work tired every day... and if I'm honest, I can relate to both the cow and the duck. I tried to resign myself to "it's just the way the schedule is....accept it and be happy" but often found myself feeling and saying "this just stinks!" As I look ahead a couple weeks to my new school year and schedule (which, by the way, is much better with actual alone prep time in my room!) it will be good for me to remember that being present to the way things are is "being
@ Kathy- I can imagine how frustrating that must have been to have no planning time. I'm glad that this year is going to be better for you. I would love to visit your classroom because I just know that you are an excellent music teacher who inspires your students everyday!! Good luck on a new and exciting year.