Sunday, August 29, 2010

Week 4 Comment #2 on Kathy's Blog

Wk 4 Publishing and Leadership Project Part 3 of 3 "The Plan"

The plan is to submit my presentation to Mary Elsner at the Wisconsin Center for Music Education and work with Renee Hanson (critical friend, EMDT alumni) to pitch the idea of offering a one day workshop there to not only do my presentation, but share her technology in music experiences and give Full Sail University EMDTMS DOUBLE positive exposure! :)

Even this morning when I woke up, I thought that it might have been easier to write a paper on this action research project and submit it for publishing, but for me, the greater growth experience will come from presenting this.
Largely from reflecting on the reading, I feel open to the possibilities and where this initial presentation may lead!


Amanda said...

This is excellent Kathy! I'm so happy for you! What an experience that will be to provide a workshop on something YOU created. Yes, I'm sure that presenting is much more work than just publishing but like you stated, the growth and the feeling of accomplishment you will have when you are finished is huge! You should be very proud of yourself and what you have done with this action research project! I am proud of you and can't wait to hear how it all turns out for you.

Week 4- Presenting Blog

Since I was not able to present with the rest of the class due to a crazy schedule this week, I am going to write a blog on what feedback I have received from my critical friends regarding my project to publish. I actually had to chance to meet face to face with one of my critical friends and that was simply amazing because she gave me some wonderful hands on feedback and help with my project. She helped me edit my document, move some things around and make it look and sound better than it did. She suggested I add some visuals to my project so I am working on that. One of my other critical friends suggested that I add more data (such as you did Professor B.) so I am working on that today as well. I am having a really hard time figuring out how to display the type of data I have collected. I hope I can pull this all together to make it look and sound great! Thanks for the help of my critical friends!!

Week 4 Wimba Session

It was really nice to be able to go back and listen to all the presentations even though I wasn't there. Thourn's presentation was great (don't drop your MAC into the cement!). I loved being able to see everyone's faces! I think this group we have is amazing and we have really come up with some exciting Action research projects and I know that many of these will go on to be published. I can't wait to hear about where and how they were published. Great job my friends!

Week 4 Comment #1 on Shanna Woods Blog


Wk 4 Reading Activity- Chapters 10-12

The concepts presented in chapters 10-12 were a bit harder for me to grasp. I get being a player in the game, or a contributor, but actually becoming the "board". Wow, that takes a real sense of letting go. I am uneasy even as I type this blog (recognizing the calculating self at work). I think it's because in order to become the board it requires a complete release. And to my calculating self I would be losing something, not sure what, yet still unsure about taking the risk. I'm kind of glad that there is something in this book that presents a challenge to me. I read the other chapters thinking, "I got this down packed" only to find out there's more to this thing than the initial steps. This phase is where true application takes place.


Amanda said...

Yes! Being the board is a hard concept to think about. I loved this chapter and it was so thought provoking to me. This whole book has been amazing, I plan to order it hard copy so I can have it forever.

Week 4 Reading The Art of Possibility Ch 10-12

Being responsible for everything that happens in your life. Many times when something happens in our lives we want to push the blame off on someone else but in reality we need to be responsible enough to take the good or bad that comes with everything that happens in our lives. I love how this chapter talks about making yourself the "board" and not just the "pawn". When you are the "board" you make all the moves not just some of life. I found this chapter to be very valuable this week for me.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Week 3 To Publish or not?

*Photos are of my son and nephew*

That is the magic question this week...

I think I am leaning towards publishing but I am still unsure of where or how. I'm nervous about this whole procedure and all of the questions such as how, what, where, when??? My head is still spinning! I know it will all come together it's just a work in progress still.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Week 3 Reading Chapters 7-9 The Art of Possibility

To be present in everything that happens, this is very though provoking as I end my week. I like to example the author uses about Florida and the rain. Sometimes we don't plan for things to happen the way they d0 but we have to be present in the moment and go with the flow. Make the best of it.

Giving way to passion. I love this! I often hold back about things I am most passionate for simply because I can be very shy and I don't want to stand out. Even if I am very passionate about something oftentimes I will not express my feelings. This chapter has really opened my eyes and reminded me to participate wholly!

Light a spark inside yourself and your students, don't hold back and be present in everything that happens!

Week 3- Personal Choice Option


Starting my job as a first year teacher on Monday, finishing up these last two months of EMDT, getting my kids ready for school and the baby ready for his first daycare experience, add that all to the fact that we just moved 3 weeks ago and MY HEAD IS SPINNING!

All of these things are great news, more space in the new house, and TWO bathrooms instead of one! Woo hoo, that is probably the best part! A classroom of my own with 18 students of my own, I am thrilled! Life is great but very hectic. I come home and just crash at the end of each day but I know that on Monday when my 18 5th graders come walking into the classroom it will all be worth it.That's why we are all here anyway right? The kids matter the most!!

Week 3 Comment #2 on Joe Huber

To Write a Paper or to Present...That is the Question

This is a very difficult question for me at this time. On one hand I detest writing and reading papers, but on the other I equally detest Keynote. One of the concepts that I'm having a difficult time dealing with is the fact that over the past 10 months we've learned so many interesting ways to deliver media, yet this is what my end result choices are reduced to.


Amanda said...

Joe-My feelings exactly. I am leaning more towards writing a paper. I don't feel that my AR project is really worthy of making a presentation out of it. I mean I think people are interested in it but I just don't think it's presentation type material. As far as the ways to deliver this, I am right on target with how you are feeling! It's very frustrating to not be able to use what we have learned. Good luck with whatever it is you decide to do.

Week 3 Comment #1 on Kathy Kellen's Blog

Publishing/Leadership Project...just the thought of it makes my stomach churn, my blood pressure rise, and a feeling of overwhelming panic descends!
"Ok," I tell myself, "take a deep breath...I've done the AR project...put aside the feelings of 'who would even care about my project?'...BREATHE!"
As all of this runs through my brain 24/7 (which, by the way, I have learned is how I work best...around and around in my head and then it goes much better when actually writing or creating the project!)

Amanda said...

Kathy- I am feeling the same way! It's a scary thought and we are putting ourselves out there by publishing our work. However, your AR project is so interesting and I know that others will not only find it helpful but interesting. You have done such a nice job with it! The Wisconsin Music Educators Conference? WOW! Good luck, I know you will be great.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Week 1 Reading Chapters 4-7 The Art of Possibility

This picture is of my son when he was 4....reminds me to lighten up!

How will I be a contribution today? What a though provoking question and I love it! After reading Chapter 4 of this book on Being a Contribution I understand why I think the way I do. Somedays I feel like this author did at the dinner table each evening with his family. What did I do today? What did I accomplish today? Somedays it feels as if I accomplished nothing. However, when I think about it as How will I be a contribution today, it brings up so many ideas. How did I contribute to my family, my work, my school, my community.....

Rule #6 is a rule that we all should live by! Having a sense of humor in life is so important. Life can be so serious most of the time and things can get depressing, sad, especially in today's society where unemployment is at it;s highest and the economy is in a sad sad shape. It is so important to remember to lighten up sometimes and have a sense of humor. This chapter came at a perfect time for me and reminded me to lighten up and not to sweat the small stuff!

Week 2 Comment on Kathy Kellen's Blog

My music room at Levi Leonard Elementary School in Evansville, WI

From this week's reading I have been challenged to think about "the way things are". Last year I had a difficult schedule with absolutely no prep time alone in my room...there was always a music class being taught in the room either by me or by the 40% music teacher. Add the demands of EMDT and going to work tired every day... and if I'm honest, I can relate to both the cow and the duck. I tried to resign myself to "it's just the way the schedule is....accept it and be happy" but often found myself feeling and saying "this just stinks!" As I look ahead a couple weeks to my new school year and schedule (which, by the way, is much better with actual alone prep time in my room!) it will be good for me to remember that being present to the way things are is "being


Amanda said...

@ Kathy- I can imagine how frustrating that must have been to have no planning time. I'm glad that this year is going to be better for you. I would love to visit your classroom because I just know that you are an excellent music teacher who inspires your students everyday!! Good luck on a new and exciting year.

Week 2 Comment on Isabel's Blog

Week 2 : Choice: What I want to be when I grow up. August 14, 2010

Posted by Kindled Perspective in MAC - Week 2. trackback
I could certainly say that this year has been one of the fastest years in my life. Many people say that the older you get the faster time goes by. I am not quite sure; I think that the velocity of time is dependent upon how busy you are. For me, the speed of time is closely related to how much spare time I have left in my day. In addition to, if I have left anything undone. This year has proven to me that I just ran out of time to learn all I wanted to learn. Going through the EMDT program and all the new and exciting information about education, technology and the industry paired, with my full time job does not leave an abundance of time . I have been really anxious about exploring all the extras I have learned. With my very busy schedule I never seem to have the time to deeply explore and expand on the knowledge that I am acquiring every month. I decided from month two to start saving a list of subject related links which I plan to explore after graduation. I have created quite a collection under my “favorites”, these links vary from tutorials, articles of interesting new software and information that I came across as I researched for the various courses. I will certainly be renewing my subscription to also.

@ Isabel- I know exactly how you feel! Life is moving way too fast for me lately. I want to be able to have the time to explore all of these great tools we have learned about and put them to use but with working, three kids, and this program there just isn't much time left in the day! So you are thinking about another master's or doctorate? Wow! I'm impressed. I think this is where it stops for least for now. You are my inspiration!

Week 2 Wimba Session

This was a great Wimba session to wrap up the AR website. Even though I had already submitted the AR checklist, after listening to this Wimba session I went back and added some things and cleaned it up a little bit from your suggestions. My Lit Review has been approved YEAH!!!

The publishing Leadership project sounds interesting and I am a little nervous about it. I need to start really thinking about where and how I am going to publish this.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Week 1 Comment #2 on Abbie Toy's Blog

Our textbook, entitled The Art of Possibility, discusses how we live in a world based on measurement. We are constantly measuring, comparing, and labeling everything around us, including our students. The authors of the book (Ben and Roz Zander) propose that instead of conforming to this current world, individuals should stop applying expectations of any kind and live as if "it's all invented." I particularly loved the Michelangelo analogy used on p. 26 comparing students to a block of stone or marble. Inside each block is a beautiful statue just waiting to be created. I appreciate this comparison because teachers are expected to unveil the unlimited possibilities in each student, rather than rating students compared to their classmates. In our current educational system, there are way too many tests, grouping mechanisms, and competitions alienating some students from their classmates. Instead of doing so much comparing, as teachers we need to be helping students realize the possibilities within themselves.

Amanda said...

I couldn't agree more! This book applies to many different aspects of our lives. I think I will be purchasing this book in hard copy form, I want to read it again and again to remind myself of the Art of Possibility. The students letters gave me chills to, what an inspiration they were!

Week 1 Comment 1 on Kathy Kellen's Blog

Screenshot of Kathy's Video

In Chapter 2 of The Art of Possibility by Benjamin and Rosamunde Zander, this quote about stepping into the universe of possibility touched me: "Often people enter this state in the presence of natural beauty...these are the moments when we forget ourselves and seem to become part of all being" (Zander, 2000, p.20).
This video, "Journey" was inspired by a photo quest day with a friend in a place that was very special to me growing up. I think I came closer to the "universe of possibility" on that day....

Amanda said...

Kathy- What a beautiful video. The soft music, your soft voice and the words were perfect. It seems that you enjoyed reading and reflecting on these first three chapters as I did. What a great start to my Sunday! Thanks Kathy :)

Week 1 Reading Chapters 1-3 The Art of Possibility

Chapter 1- It’s all invented, what an interesting chapter, it realty made me open my mind and begin to think about the stories that surround my life. To think outside the box such as in the example provided with the dots and connecting the dots. We all make assumptions and this theory of It’s all invented tells you to ask yourself that question, What assumption am I making, that I’m not even aware I’m making, that gives me what I see? Then you can ask yourself what you can invent, that hasn’t already been invented and would give you other choices.

Chapter 2-The art of possibility. I love this statement, “The assumption is that life is about staying alive and making it through-surviving in a world of scarcity and peril.” This is so true, each day is about making it though to the next and “surviving”. This chapter could not have come at a better time for me. The universe of possibility is exciting to me. Producing new life, creating new ideas and giving. This statement right here is going on my fridge immediately…”In the measurement world, you seat a goal and strive for it. In the universe of possibility, you set the context and let life unfold”. I want this statement to guide me in the right direction.

Chapter 3-Giving an A. ‘The A is not an exception to live up to, but a possibility to live into.” Yet another quote that I love from this book! Wow, the idea that this teacher had to give each music student an A and then have them write a letter telling why they got the A and how it changed them was extraordinary. This teacher took out the competition and allowed the students to focus on much bigger things.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Month 11 Week 1 Wimba Session 1

Great Wimba Session, I'm sorry I missed it.
Thanks for the motivation…we do need to keep both hands on the wheel! I have not started the reading yet, (been moving and interviewing) but I plan to start tonight and I am so glad to hear that is is reflective reading! The Lit Review information was great as well, there were some great questions and answers about Lit Review, such as If we want to add more once it's been approved, how do we go about that. I can't believe we are coming to an end! Looking forward to a great month.