Chapter 1- It’s all invented, what an interesting chapter, it realty made me open my mind and begin to think about the stories that surround my life. To think outside the box such as in the example provided with the dots and connecting the dots. We all make assumptions and this theory of It’s all invented tells you to ask yourself that question, What assumption am I making, that I’m not even aware I’m making, that gives me what I see? Then you can ask yourself what you can invent, that hasn’t already been invented and would give you other choices.
Chapter 2-The art of possibility. I love this statement, “The assumption is that life is about staying alive and making it through-surviving in a world of scarcity and peril.” This is so true, each day is about making it though to the next and “surviving”. This chapter could not have come at a better time for me. The universe of possibility is exciting to me. Producing new life, creating new ideas and giving. This statement right here is going on my fridge immediately…”In the measurement world, you seat a goal and strive for it. In the universe of possibility, you set the context and let life unfold”. I want this statement to guide me in the right direction.
Chapter 3-Giving an A. ‘The A is not an exception to live up to, but a possibility to live into.” Yet another quote that I love from this book! Wow, the idea that this teacher had to give each music student an A and then have them write a letter telling why they got the A and how it changed them was extraordinary. This teacher took out the competition and allowed the students to focus on much bigger things.
This is excellent Kathy! I'm so happy for you! What an experience that will be to provide a workshop on something YOU created. Yes, I'm sure that presenting is much more work than just publishing but like you stated, the growth and the feeling of accomplishment you will have when you are finished is huge! You should be very proud of yourself and what you have done with this action research project! I am proud of you and can't wait to hear how it all turns out for you.